Case Study: How to Write it on Mathematics
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Compared with the widespread methods of active learning of students, the case-technology method is not so well-known. Even less it was tested in applying to mathematics at school, because unlike such disciplines as economics, humanitarian disciplines and even physics, it presupposes the resolution of the participants in training groups of the problem, which in its essence has no unambiguous solution. However, its advantages: the collective nature of cognitive activity, the creative approach to cognition, the combination of theoretical knowledge and practical skills are so attractive that approaching it to work, even with difficulties in implementing the methodology within the mathematics has many advantages.
The peculiarity of the case method – technology is the creation of a problem situation on the basis of facts from real life. And what is the main concern of many schoolchildren who study mathematics in high school? In addition to the problem of final certification, there are questions and doubts, in which the knowledge acquired in this field can and will be claimed in the future, just how time and health are justified in studying such a complex subject.
In the case study on mathematics, you must follow these instructions:
- a case study prepared in writing;
- self-study and discussion of the case by students;
- joint discussion of the case in the audience under the guidance of the professor;
- adherence to the principle “the process of discussion is more important than the decision itself”.
The Overall Structure
If you have to write a case study on mathematics, without using case study writing service, remember these tips:
- Make an outline and complete structure.
- Create an overview that includes main components of a case study.
- Reveal all details of the case.
- Make a detailed analysis of the results.
- Do not forget to insert and use charts, graphics or some tables.
- Pick the most comfortable topic.
Such written assignment has many goals:
- each student analyses information individually and as a part of the group;
- sorts information for the solution of the selected task;
- identifies the key problems of the proposed situation;
- generates alternative solutions and evaluates them;
- chooses the optimal solution and formulates action programs:
In addition to these goals, social competence is also achieved when applying case technology. Students may also learn and improve the following:
- receiving communication skills;
- developing presentation skills;
- forming interactive skills that allow effective interaction and make collective decisions;
- acquiring expert skills;
- learning to learn, independently finding the necessary knowledge to solve a situational problem.
The main role of a case study is very important for each student, and it contains:
- Educational-information (intellectual) competences
- Social competencies
- Mastering the methods of analysis and critical thinking
- Ability to work with text
- Author’s product creation
- The emergence of experience in decision-making, action in a new situation, solving problems
- Mastering the methods of data collection
- Development of skills of independent work and work in a group
- Getting communication skills
- Development of presentation skills
- Form interactive skills that allow you to effectively interact and make collective decisions
The case-study on mathematics, as a tool, can allow students to apply the theoretical knowledge to solve practical problems, to promote their independent thinking, the ability to listen and take into account an alternative point of view, and to give their own reasons. With the help of this method, it is possible to create conditions in which analytical and evaluation skills can be developed and improved, learn how to work in a group, in pairs of replacements, and find the most rational solution to the task.