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Freelance Writing: Tips on How to Get Started

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Freelance Writing Guide

Many people search information, trying to figure out how to become a freelance writer. It doesn’t matter what you do now, or where you’re from, everybody can become a freelance writer, following the same simple steps.

Freelance writing is a good source of additional income. Moreover, many essay writers make it their main job. We decided to write a guide for everyone, because we think that you don’t need to have specific degrees to become a writer. Even if you don’t have such experience, you can master this profession fast.

If you’re a mother who must stay at home, it will be a perfect job for you. You can also become a blogger, and build your online business.

How Moms Become Freelance Writers

Most writers start with online freelance services, such as iWork, but soon most of them disappoint in these services. The truth is that these services provide the cheapest content. They are interested in a lot of content for cheap. Thus, when you get your $2 for such a job, you may understand that it’s not the best kind of activity. Ashlee Anderson, who was a stay-at-home mom, tried such an unprofitable approach too, and then stopped to start all over again. She created her own website, and started to search for writing jobs herself. Soon she had a certain number of customers who were able to pay good money. Now her business is growing, and it’s her only source of income.

  1. Learn about freelance writing. You have to do researches, looking for other freelancers. Look at websites; learn how bloggers run their business, and how they write. You can even contact bloggers that inspired you, and ask your questions.
  2. Improve your skills. Yeas, we said that you don’t have to be a perfect writer to start, but if you want to become a successful freelance writer, you have to get used to certain tools, and work on your writing skills.

First of all, you must be able to organize your content. We suggest you to track all your projects, noting necessary information, such as customer’s data, schedule, billing information, and so on.

  1. Check out formatting options for blog posts. The point is that online content is quite different from writing essays or term papers. You have to sort your claims in a certain order, support your thoughts with links, and create a proper visual structure (headings, subheadings, white space, etc.)
  2. Another specific feature of freelance writing is your self-confidence. Don’t expect that all clients will be happy to hire you. You will hear more “no” than “yes”, especially at the beginning, so you have to cope with your negative emotions, and don’t let them affect your goals. Apply even to jobs which you are feeling unconfident about. Even if you think that your skills are not good enough, this is your best way to learn.
  3. Learn image editing. This skill may be quite useful, since many customers will ask you to attach images. If you’re going to create your blog, image editing will be necessary skill for you, so learn Adobe Photoshop, or some easier program, such as PicMonkey, or Canva.

Obviously, the most important thing for you is practice. Write more, and study English, especially if it’s not your primary language. Writers from all over the world write texts for a living, so nothing is impossible. Of course, you cannot become the best writer in a few weeks, but as soon as you will feel confident enough to get your first job, do it. Try more, learn more, and your success won’t be long in coming!

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