Create a Great Essay in Texas Format Step by Step
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Many students don’t like writing essays in various styles and find it a nightmare. To be honest, such an attitude is not justified, as this format is on more technique to present your thoughts on a particular question. Of course, the Texas format has its special requirements, but they are not as difficult as it may seem at first glance. Below we gathered necessary information that will help you to make all details clear and write your essay.
What is the Texas format?
This writing style is common for the New Zealand system of qualifications, but it is also widely used in different countries. The brightest example of its usage is ApplyTexas – an alternative version for the Common Application. The first step to understanding what the Texas format provides is to decrypt the acronym of Texas. T stands for a topic, E – for explain, X – for example, A – for analysis, and S – for a summary.
Create your Texas essay step by step
- Make a plan and formulate your argument. Planning is always a good idea, even during the exam. Write down key ideas and arguments that come to your mind and pick up examples to support them.
- Start with the introduction. The optimal introduction should cover five-seven lines in length. In one sentence you should explain what the issue is – clearly introduce your argument. Then broad your topic with some specifics, it may be a reason why you have chosen this or that issue. Then add a banter – sentence that is not quite on topic. You should also mention, not describes, at least three points you want to consider later.
- Create your body paragraphs. At this stage, you should deal with, at least, three arguments. If you are not limited in time, you can write about more. However, if there are any time limits, it is better not to risk it, but to work harder on what is already there. So now it’s high time to apply Texas formula for each paragraph. In one line you specify what you will be talking about in the paragraph. Then you elaborate on the topic and provide more details on it. After that, you have to offer an example from real life. It also may be a quote for a literature response. Next, you analyze how the example correlates with your argument, two lines are pretty enough. The last thing is to summarize – paraphrase your topic statement more affirmatively. All together you receive a remarkable Texas paragraph for any custom essay. Repeat this process three times, and as a result, the body for the paper is ready.
- Finish with the summary. The summary is similar to the introduction but you should write it in a more decisive manner. The best way to finish your essay is to summarize the main points and, if possible, mention examples. You have to draw a kind of red line throughout the essay. At the same time, you shouldn’t repeat yourself. Restate your basic ideas from the introduction but through the perspective of the facts, you have covered in the body. In this case, your voice will sound more decisive and confident.
- Revise yourself. In the end, you should look through the whole essay to check whether everything is logically built and exclude any mistakes in grammar or spelling.