How to Write an Irresistible Research Paper: Guide for Students
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Are you feeling frustrated because of the research paper assigned by your professor? Many students have no idea how to cope with such tasks. However, the process of accomplishing such assignments can even become exciting if you know how to do it properly. Although such tasks are complicated and require much time, they affect your grades in most classes. A research paper aims to show your knowledge and understanding of a subject.
If you have doubts on how to manage the assignment and are in search of research paper help, learn more about effective strategies that will help you enjoy the writing process. We suggest breaking down the process of creating the paper into several steps. Here they are:
Come up with the topic
Often, professors assign a particular topic for papers, but if there is a chance, select the topic wisely. It is always better to pick up something you are interested in. This way, you will not get bored throughout the research, and you will most likely enjoy the writing. Avoid choosing too technical, general, or complex topics.
It is almost impossible to craft a good research paper on a broad topic, as the paper will look like a general overview. In such a case, it is recommended to narrow the broad topic to more specific one, and write a qualitative paper about it.
Brainstorm a strong thesis statement
A thesis statement is a sentence in which an author sums up the major point of the paper and provides a preview of the supporting points. This statement guides the audience right away by explaining to them what they are going to read.
It is crucial to create a thesis before actually organizing research as it is aimed to guide your study and help you stay concentrated on the topic. This statement must suit the type of your paper (argumentative/persuasive, expository, or analytical).
It is vital to spend some time crafting a strong thesis statement to provide a clear purpose for the paper. The thesis has to be argumentative and narrow. If you come up with a broad thesis, you will have to provide more evidence to prove that your standpoint is right.
Conduct a research
At this stage, you aim to gather valuable information, gain a full understanding of the topic, and formulate ideas for the project. Look for enough primary and secondary sources on your topic, thoroughly study them, and gather appropriate evidence to support claims you have made in the thesis statement. While doing the research, assess the sources, take notes, and document your sources following the required citation style. Further, these notes will become the basis for the bibliography. Always check whether the source is up-to-date.
You can find trustworthy information in the following reliable information sources:
- Google Scholar
- Online databases and encyclopedias
- Newspapers
- Books and periodicals
- Government publications, reports, and guides
Or, you can turn to a reliable research paper writing service to get professional academic assistance.
Write an outline
You have likely got a lot of ideas throughout the investigation. Now it is essential to organize your thoughts logically. If you omit this step, your paper will probably lack focus, and you will require more time for revision.
At this stage, you should improve a thesis till perfection and write down the list of points to cover to support the thesis. You can further use them as subheadings for the body paragraphs. Then, organize the information from your notes under each subheading. All the included data must be relevant and support the thesis statement. Avoid presenting anything that does not suit your outline.
Craft your first draft
By this time, you should have a clear vision f your project and be able to write the primary draft.
Come up with a title
The title is crucial to make a good impression on the reader as it is the first thing that they see. The title of the paper forms the readers’ expectations of what they will know from it.
To craft a good title, consider using the following technique:
- List the keywords presenting your topic
- Create a sentence with all the keywords and exclude unnecessary words
- Link the remaining keywords
- Organize the words in a logical order
Write the introduction
Although you are working on the research paper, it does not mean that your writing should be boring. Therefore, start the project with something that catches the readers’ attention right away. It can be a personal anecdote, an exclusive fact, a provocative question, and so on.
Next, include some background information, describe your goals and the way you are going to approach your topic. Explain why the readers should care and continue reading. Finish this paragraph with a thesis statement. You should strive to write a clear, irresistible, and convincing paper.
Write the body paragraphs
Your outline will help you in crafting this section. However, you must not strictly follow the outline. It may expand or change throughout the writing process, and you can revise it and make amendments. The only thing that is crucial is staying on your track and being focused on the thesis.
Begin every body paragraph with a topic sentence and support it with relevant evidence and arguments. Devote each paragraph to a single topic. Your paper should include as many body paragraphs as you have the key points.
Write the conclusion
It is recommended to end the writing by restating the thesis statement. Reword your thesis and provide a summary of the main points of the research paper. It is also a good idea to emphasize the importance of your findings. You can include some recommendations basing on your findings or offer directions to further research.
Revise, edit, and proofread your paper
The first draft is never perfect. To create an outstanding paper and get the best grade for it, you have to revise the draft at least twice. You will likely make some large-scale changes while checking the flow, logic, transitions, and so on. Ensure you have developed all the thoughts fully and supported all your claims by credible evidence.
Consider using the checklist below. Check whether:
- Your thesis statement is brief and comprehensive
- The paper is organized correctly and flows logically
- There are provided specific facts instead of generalizations
- Your arguments support the thesis statement
- There is no repetition
- The references are cited properly
- The paper is 100% original
- The language is clear and easily understandable
- There are no filler words and phrases
Also, you have to edit your writing thoroughly. At this stage, you aim to improve the word choice, correct punctuation, and grammar mistakes. Throughout the editing process, you should check:
- spelling mistakes;
- comma use;
- incomplete sentences;
- eliminate contractions;
- quotation rules obeyed;
- dangling modifiers;
- easily confused words.
Consider rereading the final paper a couple of times. Try reading it backward. Start with the last sentence, the move to the second to the last, and continue this way until you get to the first sentence. By using this technique, you will feel a bit disoriented and can find more mistakes.
Ask someone you trust to review your paper and comment on it. Ask them to assess your argument, transitions and check if there are any inconsistencies with usage, grammar, or mechanics. Finally, print the research paper and read it once again to make sure it is completed perfectly.