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6 Surprisingly Simple Tips on Doing Writing from Scratch

Writing from Scratch

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Now it’s the time when we are all surrounded by writing. Even if we don’t write professionally, we write messages, posts on Facebook, and texts on blogs. The ability to write well is no longer the fate of writers; it’s a “must” for any successful person. But is it possible for an adult person to learn how to create good…

Easy ways of Editing and Proofreading an Essay

Editing and Proofreading an Essay

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How long does it take to write an essay? Most likely you will answer 50% of the time or something like that. Although, you will be surprised if you find out that the correct answer is 5-10%. So what is the rest of the time spent on? The answer is very clear. The rest of the time is spent on…

How to Write a Literary Analysis

Literary Analysis

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A literary analysis differs from many other writing assignments, as it requires you to pay attention to the most fundamental elements of a book. You have to tell your audience what makes this literary work stand out, and you need to explain how the author uses and combines different elements of writing. Your analysis also must be clear and understandable….

How to Write a Process Analysis Essay

Process Analysis Essay

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A process analysis essay sounds like a difficult task, yet being just another writing assignment. Anyone can cope with it easily, following our simple guidelines. First of all, what is a process analysis essay? It’s a type of an expository essay. Thus, such an essay is aimed to describe some process or action. It is somewhat similar to writing a…

How to Write a Critical Analysis

Critical Analysis

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A critical analysis of an article, a book, essay writing or another work is aimed to evaluate its effectiveness and to analyze it, making an argument. Books and articles are not the only subjects, sometimes you may be asked to write a critical analysis of a movie, a painting, or any other work of art. You need to analyze an…

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